St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
5301 Ponderosa Ave NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
Fellowship is an essential part of church life, and at St. Andrew we excel at it. In addition to coffee hour, parish potlucks, Thanksgiving breakfast, book group, Presbyterian Women, mission work, committees, Famous Friends, and the Alternative Christmas Fair, St. Andrew is the kind of place where people feel welcomed. From the homey rocking chairs, to warm smiles and hugs, St. Andrew is truly a church family.
In addition to the work or our pastor, our deacons provide support to church members in need of a little extra help after the birth of a child, a surgery, a death in the family, or due to health or mobility issues. St. Andrew is a place to lean on during tough times, and to celebrate during times of joy.
Coffee Hour
Coffee hour is a unique opportunity to get to know a new person, catch up with friends, or make plans for committees, groups, and missions.
Thanksgiving Breakfast
One of the finest St. Andrew traditions- from a woman's point of view- is the Thanksgiving breakfast. The breakfast is cooked, served, and cleaned up, entirely by the men of the congregation! so the women of the church get to relax, and enjoy the day.
Famous Friends
A wonderful, intergeneration fellowship, famous friends connects children with adults in the congregation. Famous friends get together throughout the year for breakfast, a time of fellowship and fun.
Annual Talent Show
Once a year members of the congregation show off their talents, and have a delicious lunch to raise funds for our youth ministry.