St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
5301 Ponderosa Ave NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
Weekly Calendar at a Glance
Sunday Morning Worship – Feb. 16 at 9:30 am. - Rev. Eric Koenig-Reinke
ABQ Philharmonic Orchestra rehearses on Monday at 7:00
New Mexico Peace Choir rehearses on Wednesday at 6:30 pm
Encantada rehearses on Sunday at 3 pm
Worship Choir rehearses on Thursday at 6:30 pm
Stroke Club – Thursday mornings at 10:00 am in the Adult C.E. Room
The worship bulletin link for Sunday morning is listed below. Click on the blue link below to download the worship bulletin for the service to your computer and print it out. Join us either in-person, or from home. At the top of our church website www.standrewabq.org – place your cursor over the "Live Stream" button – Then, click on the "Live Stream" button to watch the live service on Sunday at 9:30 a.m. If you have Joys and Concerns to share during our Prayers of the People, please email them to Pastor Eric by the end of the day on Saturday at: standrewpastoreric@gmail.com.
Worship Bulletin - Sunday, Feb. 16
Adult Christian Education
At 11:00 in the Adult Christian Education hour, Pastor Eric will conclude his 2-week series on The Healing Stories of Jesus. The Gospels are full of stories when Jesus healed someone, or even many people! Clearly, healing was an important part of the life and ministry of Jesus. This week we will continue studying these stories, including a closer look at one particular type of healing: exorcisms.
Next week, Eleanor Milroy will speak on The Politics and Realities of Immigrants’ Lives.
March Presbytidings
If you have information to go into the March edition of Presbytidings, please send it to Birgitta by Tuesday, February 25. We will plan to have that edition sent out on Thursday, February 27.
When you put your Spare Change in the offering on Sunday, it goes to a company called Edisia. They produce a shelf-stable product that is high in protein and nutrients that is shipped to malnourished children all over the world. Please save your change and put it in the basket on Sunday! You can also give a check with “Edesia” on the memo line.
Family Promise
St. Andrew and First Presbyterian will serve meals to Family Promise, the week of Feb 24 - March 1. St. Andrew is responsible for serving dinner and being an evening host February 27 and 28. We also do breakfast on March 1. At this time we are in need of a dessert for Friday. We also need family hosts for both nights and money to pay the van driver and buy supplies. If you can do any of these things please see Sharon Frey Prewitt after church.
Souper Bowl of Caring
Wow! I did not predict the Eagles' dominance over the Chiefs in the Super Bowl. Our Souper Bowl of Caring offering was just as successful as the Eagles win. We raised $970 for the Rio Grande Food Project. And your prediction in dollars ($470) that the Eagles would win was right on. THANKS to everyone who donated!!!!
Church Directory Update
We are updating the Church Directory! There will be three copies of the draft directory in the Narthex. Please confirm that your information is accurate and/or make changes as needed. You can also email Birgitta with any changes. If you are not in the current directory and would like to be added, please email Birgitta.
Historical Jesus Group
The Historical Jesus Group meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month on Zoom. Join the conversation online using the Zoom link below:
Spiritual Formation Group
Spiritual Formation group meets on first and third Thursdays at 10:00 am via Zoom. Here is the Zoom link:

St. Andrew's Vision
Building a community of faith unleashed into the world by the love of God
Our Mission:
Proclaiming and living the Good News of Jesus Christ by:
-- Listening to a loving God
-- Celebrating our faith together
-- Nurturing each other in Christian love and spiritual
-- Working for social justice and peace
-- Reaching out in compassionate Service
-- Being stewards of all God's gift