St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
5301 Ponderosa Ave NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110

Worship at St. Andrew
Join us in person or from home, Sundays at 9:30 a.m.
We live-stream the worship service for those who prefer to worship from home. Simply click on the "Live Stream" button below.
As a Matthew 25 Church, we are committed to:
Building Congregational Vitality
Dismantling Structural Racism
Eradicating Systemic Poverty

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SOCIAL JUSTICE/MISSION Overview - More Details Here
St Andrew Presbyterian Church is a community of faith empowered by the love of God to serve others. Our Church and members are very engaged in the following ministries in our community and beyond.
Lunch Neighborhood Friends Sunday Ministry: For twelve years, after our service, we have provided a hot lunch, clothes, and toiletries to our neighbors who are hungry and/or homeless.
Faith Works: Through the ABQ FaithWorks Collaborative, St. Andrew works with 17 other congregations to provide resources in support of asylum seekers and rehousing people who are unhoused, or at the risk of becoming so. Our principal contribution is furniture for people being rehoused.
Edesia: Members donate their loose change on Sunday and it’s sent to a company who makes shelf-stable food packets that is sent to starving and malnourished children all over the world.
HopeWorks: St. Andrew provides food and serves the hungry bimonthly at HopeWorks in partnership with Second Presbyterian Church.
Family Promise: St. Andrew is one of 20 congregations that provides food, transportation, and companionship to families temporarily without a home.
Habitat for Humanity: In support of decent, affordable housing in Albuquerque, St. Andrew raises funds, provides workers on the construction site, and makes lunches for workers each year.
Asylum Seekers Support: Some of our members provide hospitality for asylum seekers who transit through Albuquerque on the way to their sponsors.
Governor Bent Elementary School: In partnership with Del Norte Baptisit Church, we work with this school to improve student learning through tutoring, provide food for those who need it during the weekend, strengthen families and support teachers. There are 90% of the students who qualify for free lunch and an estimated 10% are unhoused.
Souper-Bowl of Caring Offering: An annual hunger offering is taken on Super Bowl Sunday and given to the Rio Grande Food Project.
We also believe in being a good steward of our building and host several groups including Girl Scouts, Share Your Care adult daycare, The Stroke Club, The Science Fiction Club, Twelve Step Groups, The Philharmonic Orchestra, Encantada: The Band of Enchantment, and The Peace Choir.
Our Vision:
Wherever you are on your spiritual journey you are welcome here.
Our Mission:
Following Jesus Christ and empowered by Holy Spirit, we
• Listen to a loving God
• Worship God and celebrate our faith together
• Nurture each other in Christian love and spiritual growth
• Work for social justice and peace
• Reach out in compassionate service
• Seek to be stewards of all God’s gift

Adult Christian Education
This Sunday we will discuss the Politics and Realities of Immigrants' Lives
After Church
Join our fellowship time with coffee, tea, snacks and good conversations.
OR help serve hot lunches
to our Park Friends,
many which are homeless.
Performing Arts
St. Andrew Presbyterian Church is delighted
to serve as the home of:
Albuquerque Philharmonic Orchestra
Encantada: The Band of Enchantment
The New Mexico Peace Choir
Current Discussion Groups
Historical Jesus Group
Presbyterian Women Bible Study
Spiritual Formation Group
St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
Weekly Calendar at a Glance
Sunday Morning Worship – Feb. 16 at 9:30 am. - Rev. Eric Koenig-Reinke
ABQ Philharmonic Orchestra rehearses on Monday at 7:00
New Mexico Peace Choir rehearses on Wednesday at 6:30 pm
Encantada rehearses on Sunday at 3 pm
Worship Choir rehearses on Thursday at 6:30 pm
Stroke Club – Thursday mornings at 10:00 am in the Adult C.E. Room